Services for Homeowners Associations
Our firm provides a variety of accounting and auditing services to common interest realty associations. Our staff includes accountants volunteer with Community Associations Institute and are experts in this area. In addition to the accounting services, we make ourselves available to the managers and boards for questions and guidance throughout the year, if needed. We also try to provide recommendations related to the association’s management and planning as we see fit.
Homeowners Associations Services
- Audits – An in depth verification of the financials including analytical procedures, tests of individual account balances and confirmation procedures.
- Reviews – An analysis of the financials mainly done through analytical procedures. A review evaluates the financials for reasonableness including investigation of any abnormal variances.
- Compilation – A presentation of the internal financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
- Agreed Upon Procedures – An investigation of any account or accounts as agreed upon with the board of directors and management.
- Tax Preparation – Preparation of annual tax forms as required for state and federal purposes
- Consulting Services – Additional services including assistance with budgets and future planning, educational programs, accounting software training, internal control guidance, etc.