Meet Intern – Rachel Handy
SWP is a great program combining all the NOW! Financial business units. I learned how to do tax returns for individuals and businesses, use QuickBooks efficiently, and complete parts of an audit. I also learned how to properly interact with clients. The experience has given me goals to reach in not only my career but also education. I would recommend this program to any student who is unsure of what they want to do after college because it gives you exposure to all parts of accounting.”
Rachel Handy
Today, Rachel is a full time employee with DIGIT. SUCCESS! What are you waiting for? Spring internships are around the corner!
Calling New Future Stars!
SWP is gearing up for its fall program and looking for a new group of interns who are ready to learn more than business skills. SWP currently has the following tracks open for application: Accounting & Auditing, Business Management, Client Relations and Marketing & Sales. Are you ready to become a socially conscious business leader of the future and transform the workforce of tomorrow? The deadline to apply is September 15th!